Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Ariespree #1 rules of heart

Hi bloggers, welcome to ariespree official site

#1 Rules of the heartbeat

We are human in exist..
Heart as like our homes..
You're not alone in this world..

Too many complicated if we've no body in our side. Too many reason can't be break!!

We can dance with the heartbeat, coz love as like music and rhythm always can be heard.
No one in this planet, live by alone itself.

No body can't hurt so long and too pains off, we knew HIS lesson, never give us pain and hard problem as long we earn and live in this world.

Stay and Hope, are our destiny..

Love and Share, are our wisdom spirit..

Walked and act, are our mission..

Why we still confusing about our rythm? Why we don't believe itself! Why we still in search the mortality? Why we trapped on deeply sadness or satisfy? And why you're looking God ?

God makes us partner and parents, coz you're still exist to live for. Beginning art of heritage on the Bible said, God created Adam and then God created Eve. HE's given us, breathe to live and always searching all brother and sister and always given to us, Heartbeat to makes us keep on moving.

People can burnst out the lyric, but they can't burnst HIS passionated. People can dance if they have beat of life, but people can't hold their tears, if they have bad days.
New colour of life will erasing what they've done. But people still have heart to beat each other to kept on living!

Day after days, we can makes a new better day in pieces. You can talked, I can live the day without you, but you still remains about your heart so painful beat it!

The emptiness of sadness are joyness to the walked down the rythm. Try to write a letter to God, wishlist for some hope. But still empty hearts. Boredoom always in ghostly!! Even your heart can falls by itself.
Storm of life's are our lessons, to kept on..
Storm of love's are our books of the heartbeat

Our richness is our failure..
Our poorness is our future..

Some prosperity will come arise,

We can enter the new beginning of the Love session 2011, Chinese new years - Metal Rabbits

Moon as like as Cheese, moon of the rabbit stands alone nearby the rocks, under on cassia tree and hold mortality potion in his hand. Coz the rabbit missing a peaceful heartbeat, after in ghostly haunted all over the year.

God so Fairly enough to us, may joy can we get it, perfectly on this years of bunny 2011.

May God blessing our step to next journey even better.

Happy Lunar Days 2011, Gong Xie Fat Choi, Xhen dhi chien gang.

Created by. MCE to Ariespree (c) 2011 copyrights reserved.

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