Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

What do you see at tommorow

World so beautiful to see tonite..
what kinda for beyond
People can see tonight to beginning of your life`s
Life`s so easily but how about Love`s
Tomorrow has a time to arise again not against
People can fight for your time to reached a Love life`s.

Time has build a cries and laugh
but Time can moved anything into the deepest heart to said for
Love`s can hear your heart to said for
Reason can`t stop to said from your mouth 
but People can`t looked the time has turn on and on overall

Love`s can build a power to be unity
Time can made your world is everything
but You can`t do wrong if Love comes from your heart.
Love come not easily has a time to spare on it
Love can knocking your heart to see wide anything to said for,

World today is dirty
World tonight is too dark 
World can see a richness
World can`t see a future of you all
World can made you weakness

but only time made you..

World made you turbulence of Lovesphere
Proud made you up and down in a lifetime and lovelife`s
Every Love can come easily if you want to seeing clearly what happen under of you all.
Love made you more stronger if people can talks each other what they want it
Love made you power to holding your hands more tight to build your world tomorrow

Many thanks for all of you to visit my blogsite Ariesphere and Ariespree, and eventually to help me outta to find my Daughter Ribkha Widjaja 
My love wherever you are, I really want to see you.. 
and many thanks for God actually to answering all my question about my Love life`s.
No one in this planet, can do fight each other without Love.

I Love you all, Happy Sunday to all..


Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

Missing People Mikha Widjaja

Missing Person :

Mikha Widjaja ( Oey San Mei )
born date : December 01, 1978.
Nation : Indonesian ( Medan )
Missing person since 1994 last address : Jl. Flamboyan AJ-9, Waru - Surabaya City ( Perumahan Wisma Tropodo ) Indonesia.

Daughter : Ribkha Widjaja
born date : April 02, 1983. 
Address ; idle

 Is anyone has found her or knowing about her address or giving me some infos about her, please contact to me :


Many thanks for your attention and your kindly to given me some infos about her and her daughter, coz i really much missing about both, guys folky..

I Needs more both persons very much to staying alive and keepin life flame still arising restless of my life is.

If you are kind, given more about her and i will contacted again.

God always keep the best for ya all..


Ariesphere On air messages 

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Indonesia with the Heart 2012 marches

Many thanks to y'all for visiting my blog listing it's coming from
Ariesphere and Ariespree.
For all people can't see about case of me, cases full timed to caring
and sharing. Crisism at many sector and factory, that's very fantastic
removal and suicide too. Crisis, coz people can't look behind of this
and never said with the heart and markable your case is simple life's.
Never to praying and thanks for God for everything we've got that.

You and I, are same picture and same face as human being. Crisis of
the Economic and Grewth in many sector we've trashing now is blowed up
into bigger, they're same way is never give and thank to God
intentually. Now, Global crisis made you're nothing or minus but
you've your world is hate to you even your God never available again
into your day.
Global crisism can fast go away, if we stand up for God and anything
to God in anything on everything you've today.

Might be World is sick today, must changing fast as you've can
changed. But eventually, your world is doing nothing human doing so
badly. don't blame to God blamey yourself is selfish.

Everything has enemy of lifetime, but you've must friendly so close
and how? is in your too.
God only looking our mind and heart to said what then.
God only made a perfectly bad and sadness to be proud on you's evenly.
God made everything is on and on and kept in you all.
We are human still must to learn and earn about ourself life's. About
friend became enemy, enemy became friend. But Love is so beautiful as
same God do something in your heart and kept in warmful at each day
you've wanted to be.

My speech your responbility, God speech is a Thy word must to earn on.
Shiney in a lifetime never blured or even faded in your heart castle
only available God do work in you.

Pray is everything to offers your opinion or your asked. Dreaming is
God answer your pray in everything. If your pray still not into
answered, please stay and kept on for think what's going on. God
always gave you answer and never let you done in many tears.
Pray can gave you bravy heart to made communicated with God only.
Pray can do anything in dreams and or everything answer you can't realize.
If you made pray, go into the darkest room you've made, no even light,
close your eyes, focus between your heart preparing to giving life for
God place's. Don't hide if you've made wrong question and do wrong,
blame yourself and try to pay attend your side or even your family in
to your pray. God always knocking your heart and listen from your
heart and always do work someday somenight some minute your last and
answering everything you asked to HIM.

God made you world to lived for and turning on and on.
God made you smile always and sweep your tears.

Listen to your friend telling for,
Listen to your name has been on HIS listing,
Listen to your heart for made rainbow in this life's.

Only Love's can give you beautiful athmosphere in a day. Without HIS
promises you are nothing to lived on HIS property of Earth.

I hopeful today you and i, has heavy weight case and start
communicated with God only.

From Indonesia with heart continued 2012 "Love is everything has
changing a Life's"


Ariesphere officer offline

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

St. Valentino's day 2012 World needs restart

A day is fresh in Fully fresh flower out and Brown Chocolatiers, the
end at romancing diner table.

Valentine's everything has been changing at the day to crushing your
day with one Love. You make this day so perfect or not is up 2 you.
But one thing let you'd to know about tody is..

Love's athmosphere between you and someone special are emotional thing
to do, their never let you down their never let you go away, their
never get you low at the time you've needed. Coz Love are wide
meaningfully in your brain and me either.

Love can blooming your day in perfectly and so meaningful, if you've a
troubled of life's you had to knowing about this, yesterday is a
lesson of life's tomorrow is getting hotter lesson you have to taking
it. But in this life, you want to do something to believe one not in
emotional contact with bullying and or made deathly removing their day
for anyone else.

Love in Valentine's day isn't made Love on the bed or made Kissing at
the day so special only don't ya?

If you are lonely men on this planet check this music onto your earpad..

Lil shiney o sun can light your day on this Valentine`s day..
Rise your day with someone special and don`t throw out your less food from your fave restaurant or Dine out. Bcoz so many people want to ate on this special nighty nite with their kids and celebrate a warmful Valentine`s day.
Understand your step and enjoyed your Valentine`s Nite isn`t guilty and problem if still in mood single out..
many peop still single in this planet and enjoyed.
Don`t made our Valentine`s message as same mirror again
Rise your neigh into your fave fans and don`t so proud to give and thank, be natural.

Love is look around is it still looking at yous or has a distance so far away?
love is good painter to paint your day is it good or bad.
love can arise up and go down as like as birdie on the skies.

If we looked up the skies, we`re look many bird.
why we must fight each other not same like them?
A lonely bird very busy, to find out food for their babies birdie, and many birds on the skies made school out. their so unity to be one. why we`re human being still in hate each other?

Love is a good mirror combine your day and your mind to looked up not down..
Love isn`t hate each other to facing up tomorrow better day or not.
Love is perfect fans is human needed it or not.
Love is never sleep even lies or to be guilty 
Love is never stop to looked up your heart,
Love is understand or not your heart has been open wide to everyone.
Love is un jealously to made your time still fired up..

If you had understand and talking each other what do you needed it, for sure your heart is open wide welcoming about Love word..

You made proud your lovely Love 
Perfect or not,
people can markable someone heart but not guessing 
people can talking about guilty someone heart or love,
but people still human being is nothing in this planet..
Only Love can changing your heart to be proud about you and i..

Happy Valentine`s day everyone..
Happy St. Valentino`s day 2012


Ariesphere officer offline

Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Lil Wayne - Mirror ft. Bruno Mars

See and earn on this beat..
u c us
to made in happen came true

Everythin in me

When your love is gone is it everythin in yous..

When your life has past is it the other life in yous..

When your kissing has gone in yous is it had other kisses can rejoice your day..

When your hope has broken by the time is it wishful dreamin can changed it..

When your day has come is it you can made a new day from yous..

God can do anything and correcting your life onto your entire family in sin to believe in one vision and motion..

If yous see that picture " Love never fails " what you`ve can movement that word. Your day is long my day is long too..

You came to me I will pleasure to welcoming too.. 

But you never looks 

But you still freakin on that 

But yous still never believe

But yous still said anotha but..

But yous never say Amen to do anything in yous and me..

Everythin in me on yous are same..
in same life
in same lived
in same love
in same breathe
in same everything to learn and earn

on your mirror at your homey
are you believe in one fine day..

you and me can said,

Everything in me..

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

All Creator of Ariespree Greeting to ya all Ho..ho..

Merry Christmas 2011


Happy Holiday 2012

SEE you ALL next YEAR with NEW spirits OF LoVe

best wishes,

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