Senin, 13 Februari 2012

St. Valentino's day 2012 World needs restart

A day is fresh in Fully fresh flower out and Brown Chocolatiers, the
end at romancing diner table.

Valentine's everything has been changing at the day to crushing your
day with one Love. You make this day so perfect or not is up 2 you.
But one thing let you'd to know about tody is..

Love's athmosphere between you and someone special are emotional thing
to do, their never let you down their never let you go away, their
never get you low at the time you've needed. Coz Love are wide
meaningfully in your brain and me either.

Love can blooming your day in perfectly and so meaningful, if you've a
troubled of life's you had to knowing about this, yesterday is a
lesson of life's tomorrow is getting hotter lesson you have to taking
it. But in this life, you want to do something to believe one not in
emotional contact with bullying and or made deathly removing their day
for anyone else.

Love in Valentine's day isn't made Love on the bed or made Kissing at
the day so special only don't ya?

If you are lonely men on this planet check this music onto your earpad..

Lil shiney o sun can light your day on this Valentine`s day..
Rise your day with someone special and don`t throw out your less food from your fave restaurant or Dine out. Bcoz so many people want to ate on this special nighty nite with their kids and celebrate a warmful Valentine`s day.
Understand your step and enjoyed your Valentine`s Nite isn`t guilty and problem if still in mood single out..
many peop still single in this planet and enjoyed.
Don`t made our Valentine`s message as same mirror again
Rise your neigh into your fave fans and don`t so proud to give and thank, be natural.

Love is look around is it still looking at yous or has a distance so far away?
love is good painter to paint your day is it good or bad.
love can arise up and go down as like as birdie on the skies.

If we looked up the skies, we`re look many bird.
why we must fight each other not same like them?
A lonely bird very busy, to find out food for their babies birdie, and many birds on the skies made school out. their so unity to be one. why we`re human being still in hate each other?

Love is a good mirror combine your day and your mind to looked up not down..
Love isn`t hate each other to facing up tomorrow better day or not.
Love is perfect fans is human needed it or not.
Love is never sleep even lies or to be guilty 
Love is never stop to looked up your heart,
Love is understand or not your heart has been open wide to everyone.
Love is un jealously to made your time still fired up..

If you had understand and talking each other what do you needed it, for sure your heart is open wide welcoming about Love word..

You made proud your lovely Love 
Perfect or not,
people can markable someone heart but not guessing 
people can talking about guilty someone heart or love,
but people still human being is nothing in this planet..
Only Love can changing your heart to be proud about you and i..

Happy Valentine`s day everyone..
Happy St. Valentino`s day 2012


Ariesphere officer offline

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