Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

Indonesia with the Heart 2012 marches

Many thanks to y'all for visiting my blog listing it's coming from
Ariesphere and Ariespree.
For all people can't see about case of me, cases full timed to caring
and sharing. Crisism at many sector and factory, that's very fantastic
removal and suicide too. Crisis, coz people can't look behind of this
and never said with the heart and markable your case is simple life's.
Never to praying and thanks for God for everything we've got that.

You and I, are same picture and same face as human being. Crisis of
the Economic and Grewth in many sector we've trashing now is blowed up
into bigger, they're same way is never give and thank to God
intentually. Now, Global crisis made you're nothing or minus but
you've your world is hate to you even your God never available again
into your day.
Global crisism can fast go away, if we stand up for God and anything
to God in anything on everything you've today.

Might be World is sick today, must changing fast as you've can
changed. But eventually, your world is doing nothing human doing so
badly. don't blame to God blamey yourself is selfish.

Everything has enemy of lifetime, but you've must friendly so close
and how? is in your too.
God only looking our mind and heart to said what then.
God only made a perfectly bad and sadness to be proud on you's evenly.
God made everything is on and on and kept in you all.
We are human still must to learn and earn about ourself life's. About
friend became enemy, enemy became friend. But Love is so beautiful as
same God do something in your heart and kept in warmful at each day
you've wanted to be.

My speech your responbility, God speech is a Thy word must to earn on.
Shiney in a lifetime never blured or even faded in your heart castle
only available God do work in you.

Pray is everything to offers your opinion or your asked. Dreaming is
God answer your pray in everything. If your pray still not into
answered, please stay and kept on for think what's going on. God
always gave you answer and never let you done in many tears.
Pray can gave you bravy heart to made communicated with God only.
Pray can do anything in dreams and or everything answer you can't realize.
If you made pray, go into the darkest room you've made, no even light,
close your eyes, focus between your heart preparing to giving life for
God place's. Don't hide if you've made wrong question and do wrong,
blame yourself and try to pay attend your side or even your family in
to your pray. God always knocking your heart and listen from your
heart and always do work someday somenight some minute your last and
answering everything you asked to HIM.

God made you world to lived for and turning on and on.
God made you smile always and sweep your tears.

Listen to your friend telling for,
Listen to your name has been on HIS listing,
Listen to your heart for made rainbow in this life's.

Only Love's can give you beautiful athmosphere in a day. Without HIS
promises you are nothing to lived on HIS property of Earth.

I hopeful today you and i, has heavy weight case and start
communicated with God only.

From Indonesia with heart continued 2012 "Love is everything has
changing a Life's"


Ariesphere officer offline

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